Featured Video: The Black (W)hole: calling our young ancestors home



The Black (W)hole: calling our young ancestors home

Film by Fox Nakai  


A new documentary short of an immersive experience featuring dance, poetry, and excerpts from the feature film in progress, held at YBCA on February 25, 2023. 

The Black (W)hole was a healing, celebratory experience that mourned and honored the lives of six young people who died before the age of 32. Developed between myself and renowned artist Marc Bamuthi Joseph with Sarah CrowellRashidi Omari, and Risa Jaroslow from Destiny Arts Center, this process-based project combined action research, installation, and performance to create public rituals for mourning and healing. The project was inspired by the overwhelming need for new and embodied language to memorialize young people lost to violence. 


Related Projects and Exhibitions


The Black (W)hole

Oakland, CA

Brett Cook & Liz Lerman: Reflection & Action

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA


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